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Number of items: 52.


Petrić, Jasna and Lukić, Vesna (2023) Просторни идентитет међународних студената и везаност за град. Социолошки преглед, 57 (4). pp. 1099-1129. ISSN 0085-6320

Lukić, Vesna and Lović Obradović, Suzana and Stoilković Gnjatović, Jelena (2023) Did the Covid-19 Pandemic Change Internal Rural Migration Patterns in Serbia? Erdkunde, 77 (3). pp. 233-249. ISSN 2702-5985

Lukić, Vesna and Lović Obradović, Suzana and Ćorović, Radoslav (2022) COVID-19 and internal migration in Serbia — geographical perspective. Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA, 72 (2). pp. 191-205. ISSN 0350-7599 eISSN 1821-2808

Janeska, Verica and Lozanoska, Aleksandra and Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2022) Emigration and Remittances During Covid-19: Evidence from North Macedonia and Serbia. Economic Development, 24 (5). pp. 6-24. ISSN 1857-7741

Lukić, Vesna (2021) International female migrants in the labour market, with regard to COVID – 19 pandemic. Demografija (18). pp. 93-107. ISSN 1820-4244 eISSN 2560-5011

Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2021) Challenges faced by Serbian migrants caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Teme, 45 (4). pp. 1245-1260. ISSN 0353-7919 eISSN 1820-7804

Lukić, Vesna and Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Janeska, Verica and Lozanoska, Aleksandra (2021) How is COVID-19 reshaping temporary and circular labour migration: Serbia and North Macedonia perspectives. Forum geographic, 20 (1). pp. 55-65. ISSN 1583-1523 eISSN 2067-4635

Lukić, Vesna and Predojević-Despić, Jelena (2020) The labour market position of immigrants in Serbia: current status and possibilities for research. Stanovništvo, 58 (2). pp. 77-101. ISSN 0038-982X eISSN 2217-3986

Lukić, Vesna and Tomašević, Aleksandar (2020) Immigrant integration regimes in Europe: Incorporating the Western Balkan countries. Acta geographica Slovenica, 60 (1). pp. 143-153. ISSN 1581-6613 Online: 1581-8314

Lukić, Vesna M. and Stojilković Gnjatović, Jelena N. (2019) Ageing in Serbia: Perceptions and Experiences of Nursing Home Residents / Starenje u Srbiji: percepcije i iskustva lica u domovima za stare. Sociološki pregled, 53 (3). pp. 1271-1292. ISSN 0085-6320;2560-4880

Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2018) Entrepreneurship as a Mode of integration: Experiences of Former Refugees in Belgrade, Serbia. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, LXV (3). pp. 641-655. ISSN 0350-0861

Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2018) Migrantsko preduzetništvo u svetlu javnih politika. Zbornik matice srpske za društvene nauke, LXIX (167(3)). pp. 607-618. ISSN 0352-5732

Lukić, Vesna (2018) Od imigracije do integracije – možemo li da učimo od zemalja sa razvijenim politikama integracije migranata? Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, LXIX (167(3)). pp. 639-649. ISSN 0352-5732

Lukić, Vesna and Anđelković Stoilković, Marija (2017) Interrelation of spatial disparities in development and migration patterns in transition economy: Serbia - Case study. Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography, 11 (1). pp. 65-76. ISSN 1843–6587

Lukić, Vesna (2017) O odnosu informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija i međunarodnih migracija. Stanovništvo, 55 (2). pp. 53-68. ISSN 0038-982X

Lukić, Vesna (2016) Understanding Transit Asylum Migration: Evidence from Serbia. International Migration, 54 (4). pp. 31-43. ISSN 0020-7985 eISSN 1468-2435

Lukić, Vesna (2016) Integracija prisilnih migranata iz bivših Republika SFRJ na tržište rada u Srbiji. Demografija (13). pp. 83-93. ISSN 1820-4244 eISSN 2560-5011

Lukić, Vesna (2015) Socio-demographic characteristics of the elderly forced migrants in Serbia. Stanovništvo, 53 (1). pp. 39-60. ISSN 0038-982X eISSN 2217-3986

Lukić, Vesna (2014) Women and forced migration in Serbia. Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke (148(3)). pp. 399-409. ISSN 0352-5732 eISSN 2406-0836

Lukić, Vesna (2013) Socio-economic aspects of commuting. Sociologija, 55 (2). pp. 283-298. ISSN 0038-0318 eISSN 2406-0712

Lukić, Vesna (2013) On the Interrelations between Migration and Commuting. Stanovništvo, 51 (1). pp. 69-90. ISSN 0038-982X eISSN 2217-3986

Lukić, Vesna (2013) Population Trends in Serbia and the Implications for Settlement System. Forum Geografic, 12 (1). pp. 67-74. ISSN 1583-1523 eISSN 2067-4635

Lukić, Vesna (2012) Connections between migrations and commuting in Vojvodina. Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke (141(4)). pp. 615-624. ISSN 0352-5732 eISSN 2406-0836

Lukić, Vesna (2012) Economic profile of the Serbian commuter. Industrija, 40 (2). pp. 79-90. ISSN 0350-0373 eISSN 2334-8526

Lukić, Vesna (2011) Commuting in the Settlement System of Serbia. Stanovništvo, 49 (2). pp. 25-50. ISSN 0038-982X eISSN 2217-3986

Book Section

Lukić, Vesna (2025) “YOU ARE NOT THE SAME” — EXPERIENCES OF SOCIO-CULTURAL ADAPTATION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. In: International student migration and Identities. Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 130-145. ISBN 978-86-7093-282-1

Lukić, Vesna (2024) International student migration in a Serbian context: Socio-cultural integration experiences. In: Compromised Geography: Spreading a New World. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, pp. 65-66.

Lukić, Vesna and Vasojević, Nena and Predojević-Despić, Jelena (2024) International student population in Serbia across time and space. In: Population in post-Yugoslav countries: (Dis)similarities and Perspectives. Institute of Social Sciences and Association of Demographers of Serbia, Beograd, p. 38. ISBN 978-86-7093-273-9

Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2024) Temporary Migration and Policy Challenges in the Western Balkan Countries—Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia Perspectives. In: Population Studies in the Western Balkans. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 63-97. ISBN 978-3-031-53088-3

Lukić, Vesna and Predojević-Despić, Jelena (2023) Izazovi i mogućnosti uporednog kvalitativnog istraživanja migracija tokom pandemije Kovida 19: Istraživačka perspektiva. In: Istraživati društvo tokom pandemije – neke metodološke prepreke i rešenja. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd, pp. 15-34. ISBN 978-86-6427-265-0

Lukić, Vesna (2022) Migration and Mobility Patterns in Serbia. In: The Geography of Serbia : Nature, People, Economy. World Regional Geography Book Series . Springer, Cham, pp. 157-167. ISBN 978-3-030-74700-8 Online ISBN 978-3-030-74701-5

Lukić, Vesna (2021) Contemporary issues of international migration in Serbia. In: Международный демографический форум “Демография и глобальные вызовы“. Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет им. Г.Ф. Морозова, Воронеж, pp. 374-378. ISBN 978-5-907283-71-8

Lukić, Vesna (2020) Izazovi migracija iz ugla ciljeva održivog razvoja. In: Izazovi održivog razvoja u Srbiji i Evropskoj uniji. Edicija Zbornici . Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd, pp. 84-99. ISBN 978-86-7093-237-1

Lukić, Vesna (2020) Rodni aspekt migracija. In: Srbija : rod, politike, stanovništvo. Edicija Zbornici . Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti : Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd, pp. 142-169. ISBN 978-86-7093-235-7 (print) 978-86-7093-234-0 (online)

Lukić, Vesna and Predojević-Despić, Jelena (2018) Emigration from Serbia: focusing on the youth. In: Third Annual Conference of the Western Balkans Migration Network, "A search for that special place under the sun in modern Europe: migration in the twenty first century". The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, p. 18. ISBN 978-953-6030-52-1

Šantić, Danica and Antić, Marija and Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2018) How can Migrants Contribute to Development of Rural Areas in Serbia? In: Third Annual Conference of the Western Balkans Migration Network, "A search for that special place under the sun in modern Europe: migration in the twenty first century". The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, p. 26. ISBN 978-953-6030-52-1

Lukić, Vesna (2018) Youth migration in the lower Danube region. In: The Fifth International conference "Geographical research and Cross-Border Cooperation", 6-9 September 2018: book of abstracts. University of Craiova, Faculty of Geography, Geography Department, Craiova, Romania, p. 20.

Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2017) Migration, integration and entrepreneurship: insights from the Serbian experience. In: Sustainable Growth in Small Open Economies. Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade, pp. 255-257. ISBN 978-86-89465-35-8

Lukić, Vesna (2017) Избеглице у Србији - искуства и нови изазови. In: Округли сто "Поруке демографа креаторима јавних политика у Србији", 14. новембар 2017. Београд. Институт друштвених наука, Београд, pp. 59-64. ISBN 978-86-7093-195-4

Lukić, Vesna (2017) Continuity and change: Demographic and socio-economic effects of forced migration from the former republics of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in Serbia. In: La population des Balkans à l’aube du XXième siecle / The population of the Balkans at the dawn of the 21st century. Institut économique, Université Saints-Cyrille-et-Méthode de Skopje / Institute of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Skopje, pp. 221-236. ISBN 978-608-4519-19-5

Lukić, Vesna and Bjeljac, Željko (2017) Demographic Change and Spa Tourism: Case Study Serbia. In: V International Conference Sustainable Development of Tourism Market: International Practice and Russian Experience. Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, Stavropol, pp. 51-57. ISBN 978-5-9909675-4-0

Lukić, Vesna (2016) Старење у егзилу: старији присилни мигранти у југоисточној Србији. In: Становништво Југоисточне Србије: социјални и здравствени проблеми становништва југоисточне Србије - с посебним освртом на положај остарелих. Српска академија наука и уметности, Ниш, pp. 133-147. ISBN 978-86-7025-587-6

Lukić, Vesna (2016) Утицај информационо-комуникационих технологија на миграције. In: Међународна конференција Савремене миграције и друштвени развој: интердисциплинарна перспектива, 21. и 22. октобар 2016. Српско социолошко друштво, Београд, p. 60. ISBN 978-86-81319-09-3

Anđelković Stoilković, Marija and Lukić, Vesna (2016) Interconnection between migration and regional inequalities in Serbia. In: International Scientific Conference "Contemporary Migration in a Changing World: New Perspectives and Challenges", Belgrade, Serbia 18th-21st September 2016. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography, Belgrade, pp. 79-80. ISBN 978-86-6283-044-9

Predojević-Despić, Jelena and Lukić, Vesna (2016) Odnos migracija i preduzetništva kao mogućnosti za razvitak zemalja porekla i destinacije. In: Naučni skup Demografski izazovi na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije, knjiga apstrakata. Društvo demografa Srbije, Beograd, p. 19. ISBN 978-86-82241-05-8

Anđelković, Marija and Lukić, Vesna (2016) Savremeni migracioni trendovi u pograničnom prostoru Srbije. In: XXI Naučni skup Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope. Univerzitet u Nišu, Ekonomski fakultet, Niš, pp. 369-381. ISBN 978-86-6139-122-4

Lukić, Vesna (2016) Serbia in a mobile world: Reframing the migration question. In: International conference “Fourth Conference - Geographical research and Cross-Border Cooperation within the Lower Basin of the Danube“, 15-17 September 2016: book of abstracts. Sofia University, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia, Vidin, Bulgaria, p. 105. ISBN 978-954-723-179-5

Lukić, Vesna (2015) Ekonomska integracija prisilnih migranata u Srbiji. In: 4. Srpski kongres geografa sa međunarodnim učešćem - Dostignuća, aktuelnosti i izazovi geografske nauke i prakse povodom 150 godina rođenja Jovana Cvijića, 7-9. oktobar 2015 - knjiga apstrakata. Geografski fakultet, Beograd, pp. 105-106. ISBN 978-86-6283-029-6

Lukić, Vesna (2014) Asylum seekers and human smuggling in Serbia. In: Geographical research and cross-border cooperation within the lower basin of the Danube : abstract book / The Third Romanian-Bulgarian-Hungarian-Serbian Conference, Srebrno jezero, 18-21st September 2014. Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management ; Faculty of Geography, Novi Sad ; Belgrade, p. 73. ISBN 978-86-7031-344-6

Lukić, Vesna (2014) Use of high technologies and irregular migration. In: Cybercrime and the links to irregular migration and human trafficking. Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, pp. 549-576. ISBN 978-86-83397-17-4

Lukić, Vesna (2013) Миграционные тенденции в Сербии. In: Сербские научные исследования 2012. Сборник научных статей. Экон-информ, Москва, pp. 277-286. ISBN 978-5-9506-1113-1


Lukić, Vesna (2015) Две деценије избеглиштва у Србији: попис становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. у Републици Србији. Републички завод за статистику, Београд. ISBN 978-86-6161-141-4

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